Environmental Credentials

Here at Groundware we care a great deal about the environment and because of this, we feel it is important to admit that our current environmental credentials are poor. We have a plan of action.

While we currently retail products from suppliers, we are innovating internally, developing products to fall in line with the Ellen MacArthur foundation's vision of a Circular economy. A circular economy aims to minimize our waste impacting the environment.

 Plastics and the circular economy

Our aim it to move toward this.

Plastics and the circular economy

Our goal is to keep our products from the waste stream at all for as long as possible.

To deliver on this ambition we need to hit 3 key points in our designs.


Recycled and Recyclable materials.
Materials that are actually recycled from curbside in our target markets.

Design for repair.
Designed for longevity and retention of value. Our products should keep going.

Design for disassembly. 
For any of this to matter our products need to be broken down before they hit the waste stream. We will design for this.


By combining these elements with offsetting our shipping carbon we believe we believe we can be proud of our environmental vision. There is a long way to go but these are our goals.